Faculty Members

Mohammad Rastegar


Mohammad Rastegar    (FA Page)

Associate Professor
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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree download-thesis def-date
Mehdi Ahrari Nouri Energy Management in Renewable-based Multi Carrier Energy Framework by Using Reinforcement Learning Method Ph.D 1399/06/31
Sina Bahrami A New Approach for Identification of Critical Components in Power Distribution Systems M.S 1399/06/16
seyed esmaeil bashang Forecasting of primary energy consumption prediction of Iran power plants using a hybrid method M.S 1398/11/29
Mohammad reza Dehbozorgi Application of Data Mining Methods in Power Distribution System Outage Data M.S 1399/06/12
Mehrdad Ebrahimi In-home charging optimization of an electric vehicle considering the uncertainty of the vehicle owner's behavior M.S 1398/06/06
aref ehsani Optimal Placement and Sizing of Renewable Energy Resources in the Presence of Electric Vehicles Parking lot M.S
MohammadHossein Enjavimadar Proposing optimal reliability-centered maintenance strategy based on failure modes and effects analysis in power distribution systems M.S 1400/04/15
ali forootani Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smart Home Energy Management M.S 1401/06/28
Ahmad Gholami Demand Side Bidding Strategy for Participation in Electricity Energy and Reserve Markets M.S 1399/06/31
Seyed Morteza Ghorashi Designing an Incentive-based Demand Response Program to Maximize Aggregator’s Profit M.S 1398/02/29
sorush haddad bakhodaie Reliability-based optimal stochastic designing of residential energy hub M.S 1400/06/31
OmidReza Lak Optimal Bidding and Offering Strategies in Energy and Reserve Markets for Wind Farms and Storage Systems M.S 1398/06/06
Hosein Namazi Reactive Power Control in Microgrids M.S 1397/06/31
mohammad hossin pafeshordeh Investigating the presence of hydrogen technologies and waste converter in integrated energy systems considering demand side management M.S 1400/06/31
Hosein Rayat Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch in presence of Solar Plant and Wind Farm M.S 1400/06/31
abbas seifossadat Micro-Energy Hub Sizing and Placement in Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Distribution Systems M.S 1399/11/29
alireza tabebordbar Evaluating the Reliability of Interconnected Electrical and Gas‌ Transmission Systems with the Presence of P2G and CHP Technologies and Determining the Optimal Size of these Technologies M.S 1400/09/27
zahra yazdan panah Determination of desired power distribution system reliability using machine learning techniques M.S 1401/11/15
MohammadRasool Yazdanpanah Prioritization of Electricity Distribution System Feeders Using Group Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method Considering Dependence of Criteria M.S
عرفان مسلمی زاده Distributed State Estimation for a Microgrid M.S 1397/10/25
Mohsen Agah Dynamic sequential restoration of distribution systems, considering uncertainty of renewable generation units M.S 1402/06/14
amjed almayahi Power generation and transmission expansion planning considering stability indices M.S 1402/06/14
mojtaba askari IOT application in smart energy grid M.S 1401/06/22
Mohammad Reza Dehbozorgi Defending Against False Data Injection Attacks in Power Distribution Systems Using Machine Learning Techniques Ph.D
Mehrdad Ebrahimi Optimal Placement of Switching Devices in Electric Power Distribution Systems Using Machine Learning Methods Ph.D 1402/12/09
seyede om kolsoom hosseini Corrective Maintenance Workforce Planning in Electric Power Distribution System M.S
abbas izadi Market Clearing in Peer-to-Peer Energy Market in Smart Energy Communities M.S 1403/06/25
Ali Izadi Investigation of the effects and detection of attacks on Advanced Metering Infrastructure in the electrical power distribution system M.S
Abdolsalam Rasouli Forecasting net energy consumption of a multi-carrier energy building using hybrid machine learning methods M.S 1402/12/16
Hasan Riehani rahimi Optimal Planning of Integrated Water and Energy Systems Incorporating Micro-Hydropower and Hydrogen-Based Technologies M.S
fateme sajjadi MicroGrid Energy Management Considering Power Quality Indices M.S 1402/06/29
Mohammad Kazem Salehi Transactive home electrical energy management based on distributed peer-to-peer energy trading considering cloud energy storage Ph.D 1402/11/15
ehsan toghiany Electrical Net-Load Forecasting by Using Deep Neural Networks Considering Distributed Energy Resources for Investigating Power System Flexibility M.S 1402/06/18
Mousa Afrasiabi Distributed Energy Management in Microgrids Using Forecasting based on Deep Learning Methods Ph.D 1398/06/27
Mohammad Ahmadi Series Arc Fault Detection in Photovoltaic System Ph.D 1398/04/26
Azadeh Amiri Optimal Management of Reliability and Cost in Multi-Carrier Energy System M.S 1398/11/30
Hafez Amiri Probabilistic Load Flow Based on P-Boxes M.S 1400/06/17
Aida Asadi Majd An Investigation on Penetration of Large-scale Renewable Sources into Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning Ph.D 1400/04/29
samira baharlouie Detection of Cyber Attacks in Smart Grid Ph.D
Mohammadjavad Bordbari probabilistic energy audit in buildings M.S 1396/12/19
Farshid Dehghani Resiliency Assessment of distribution electrical energy system under extreme weather events M.S 1397/11/28
Seyed Salman Fatemi Simultaneous Placement of DGs and Protection Devices Considering Protection Coordination Ph.D 1399/06/19
Fereshte Foshat microgrid state estimation by considering the effective factors in the telecommunication channels M.S 1396/05/17
esmaeil haddad Presenting an optimal interactive algorithm for fast charging stations taking into account vehicle and network constraints M.S
Alireza Hamedi Energy Hub Analysis and Management with Storage System Modeling Ph.D 1399/03/08
Farshad Jafari Two-Step Energy Management in Residential Multi-carrier Energy Systems Ph.D 1397/11/11
Ali Jamali Jahromi probabilistic forecasting of residential electric vehicle aggregators charging demand based on deep neural network M.S 1400/06/17
fatemeh jehani Maintenance Optimization Scheduling of Electric Power systems using gray numbers M.S 1400/11/15
Abolfazl Kazem dehdashti Providing a new probabilistic analysis method based on non-parametric density estimators; case study: energy management of residential energy hubs Ph.D 1399/06/31
Dariush Keihan asl Optimal Energy Flow in Interconnected Distribution Energy Systems Ph.D 1399/06/31
Saeedeh sadat ketabipoor Extremely fast active and reactive powers variations modeling of wind farms Ph.D 1400/11/15
Hesam Mohammadi Modelling and Control of Micro Combined Heat and Power (micro CHP) system M.S 1397/11/27
Farshid Nasrfard Jahromi Optimization of the Inspection Rate of Preventive Maintenance in Electrical Distribution Systems Using Probabilistic State Diagrams and Petri Nets Ph.D 1402/04/14
saeed nejadfard-jahromi Probabilistic Voltage Stability Assessment of Smart Distribution Power Systems in the Presence of EVs and RESs Ph.D 1401/11/15
Mohammad Hossein Oboudi Resilience Enhancement of Electrical Distribution systems Against Earthquake Ph.D 1401/11/15
Fatemeh Otoofi LPV controller design for microgrids including PV panels, wind turbine and battery M.S 1398/11/27
Mehrdad Pournabi Power system transient security assessment based on deep learning in missing phasor measurement units conditions M.S 1399/06/14
Mohabbat Rasmi Distribution Networks Impedance Estimation Based On Data-driven Methods M.S 1401/06/20
Amir Rostami Reliability assessment of smart grid considering cyber-physical systems operation Ph.D 1402/06/18
ALI SADRZADEH Active Contribution of Distributed Generations in Voltage Regulation and Security Ph.D
Esmaeel Salami Shahid Investigation of the effects of high voltage current on dye removal and disinfection of wastewater Ph.D 1398/10/28
Soroush Senemar Optimal Planning and Operation of Residential Energy Hubs to Minimize PV Curtailment M.S 1397/10/19
Masoumeh Seyedyazdi Proposing interactive algorithms between EV drivers and charging station owners considering electrical network limitations and road traffic Ph.D 1399/11/29
Borhan Soleimani Integrated Optimization of Water and Multicarrier Energy Systems M.S 1399/06/31
ali zahmatkeshan Smart load management of electric vehicles in V2V mode M.S 1400/11/15
Ali Bayat Management Strategy of Cloud Energy Storage M.S 1403/05/31
hengameh chabok Islanding detection in DC microgrids M.S 1402/11/15
rasoul ghani Optimal Modeling of The Mobile Charging Process of The Electric Vehicles Based on Graph Theory Ph.D
aria kazemi ravesh Distributed Transactive Energy Management in the Presence of a Shared Solar Source M.S 1402/06/26
majid shafiei Predicting the Price Index in the Iranian Stock Market with Emphasis on the Monetary Variables: A Machine Learning Approach Ph.D
saeed sharifi Non-Intrusive Residential Load Monitoring Based on Deep Learning Methods M.S 1403/06/24
Sara Siamak Low-Conservative Convex Relaxation of State Estimation Problem in Power Systems Ph.D
reza valipour Evaluation of lightning arrester performance in protecting wind turbines from lightning damage M.S
ali abbasi An Approach to Healthcare ITIL Implementation M.S 1397/06/31
Sara Afshar An Efficient Quantitative Index for Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia using Statistical Models and Deep Neural Networks M.S 1399/06/15
Afrooz AhmadMehrabi The effect of adding graphene and silver nanoparticles on CO sensing behavior of tin oxide: An experimental study M.S 1397/06/27
Elham Amirizadeh Constrained Clustering using Deep Learning M.S 1397/06/21
Ehsan Asali Studying and Proposing a Novel Approach for Improving Agents' Behavior in Soccer Simulation Environment M.S 1396/06/29
Sahar Askari Modeling the Dimensions of Surgical Wounds through the Recovery Process: the Study of Laboratory Rats M.S 1397/06/31
Vahid Azarm Analysis of Implementing Modular Parallel Inverters based on Efficiency, Reliability and Cost Aspects M.S 1396/12/01
Mohammadreza Bagheri Bavaryani Phase number change strategy of multiphase motors in electric vehicles for increasing efficiency and considesing temperature limits M.S 1400/06/31
Shahram Bahadori-Haghighi Graphene-based Electromagnetic Wave Modulators and switches Ph.D 1397/11/28
Mohamad Sadegh Bashkari Outage Analysis in Power Distribution Networks Using Datamining Ph.D 1399/06/31
yasin behroozi يehnoo Proposing a Denoising method for Hyperspectral Images M.S 1398/06/31
Amir Bitaraf Haghighi Person Re-Identification using Ensemble of Networks on Pose Transferred Images M.S 1399/11/30
Amin Dalir Improvement of transient conditions during load changes in electric vehicle charging stations M.S 1399/06/31
Morteza Dastouri Capturing the Behavior of Android Applications on Real Devices M.S 1396/06/29
ahmad diyanati Identification and Ranking of Programmers’ Expertise through mining comments M.S 1399/06/31
zahra doorbash Investigation and Simulation of Diversity-Multiplexing Gain Trade-off in Cooperative Communication Network M.S 1396/06/30
Ali Emadi Performance Evaluation of Chirp Signaling Techniques in Underwater Acoustic Communication M.S 1397/11/27
amin emam zade esmaeli nezhad Sparsification of Similarity Graphs for Social Network Applications Ph.D 1400/06/31
Mojtaba Esmailzadeh Investigation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Foam/SnO2 Nanocomposite with Gradient Structure Ph.D 1396/07/24
Ali Farmani Design of Optical Switching Devices Based on Graphene in Plasmonic Nanostructures Ph.D 1396/10/11
Zahra Fereidooni A New Method for Urban Water Leak Detection M.S 1396/12/06
Pooria Ghadir Experimental study of the effect of using Chitosan on the shear strength of fine-grained soils (case study : Shiraz clay soil) M.S 1396/06/21
alireza gharibi Design, Simulation and Analysis of Full-Adder Circuit Based on Carbon Nanotubes M.S 1397/11/17
Zahra Ghorbani Design, simulation and fabrication of a Vivaldi antenna using metamaterials and SIW technology for improvement of its parameters M.S 1398/11/30
mahshid gohari Android malware detection using network traffic based on deep learning M.S 1400/06/31
Reza Gostariani Fabrication and Investigation of Microstructural Evolution and Hot Deformation Behavior of In-Situ Nanocomposite Using Al-BN Ph.D 1396/07/19
Reza Hadavian Location based on DOA concerning signal to noise ratio M.S 1400/06/31
Mona Hadibarhaghtalab Using simulation for assessing information technology effectiveness in an enterprise M.S 1398/03/12
sayed ali hoseini proposing a supervised learning fuzzy model for network intrusion detection M.S 1399/06/31
Mohammadreza Jouyandeh Design and simulation of optical micro ring modulator based on hybrid plasmonic M.S 1397/11/30
Reza Karimian Prioritize Vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems M.S 1398/06/26
Ebrahim Kazemzadeh A new approach for electrical energy management of Nano Grids M.S 1396/12/06
Hosein Khorsand Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow of Multi-carrier Energy Systems Ph.D 1397/10/17
Parisa Mahdavi Design and Simulation of RGW-Based Broadband Microwave Coupler M.S 1399/06/23
Kolsoom Mehrabi Design of silicon photonic multimode passive devices for mode division multiplexed networks Ph.D 1399/06/31
Meysam Mohammadi landi Determining Optimal Capacity and Placement of EV Parking Lots to Minimize Total Losses and Improve Reliability of Distribution Systems M.S 1396/12/09
Mohammadhossein Motavas Design of a plasmonic nanolaser based on an array of coupled nanorods M.S 1396/06/28
Mahdi Mozaffari Legha Energy Management System in Multiple Micro Grid using Hierarchical Multi Agent Systems Ph.D 1398/06/27
Farshid Naseri State Estimation in Advanced Electric Vehicles Ph.D 1398/09/26
Reza Nazari Developing an Intrusion Detection System based on Fuzzy Logic M.S 1398/06/12
Mahsa Raeiszadeh A New Method for Energy Management in Smart Buildings Considering the Residents' Comfort M.S 1396/12/13
Hossein Roshan The effect of Au and Ag nanoparticles additive on methane gas sensing characteristics of lead sulfide colloidal nanocrystals M.S 1396/06/11
fatemeh saeidi Root Cause Analysis of Burdens in implementing ISO 27000 series and ISMS and proposing Unification of Frameworks (a case study) M.S 1396/12/19
Mina Sarem Numerical modelling of contact between concrete and steel bar using a suitable yield stress for steel M.S 1398/06/20
Sayyed Ali Akbar Shahriari Dynamic State Estimation of Wind Turbines Ph.D 1395/12/17
Maryam Shojaee Room temperature carbon monoxide gas sensor based on Pd doped SnO2/partially reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite M.S 1396/06/11
Nazanin Soroosh Performance Improvement for MAC Sublayer of Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) in Millimeter Wave Band M.S 1397/11/28
Elham Tarahhom Presenting a new clustering method for spike sorting M.S 1400/06/31
hamed tavakol pour saleh Fault Locating in Wind Farm and Investigating the Effect of Inappropriate Performance of Turbines on the Grid M.S 1398/06/05
Reza Tavanaei Evaluation of the Effect of DGs Including Synchronous Generators on Performance of Islanding Detection Methods M.S 1396/12/05
Mojtaba Valipour Self-Driving Cars Using Behavior Reflex Methods M.S 1397/06/31
samira yusefi Road Signs Recognition for Driving Assistance Systems M.S 1396/07/20
Samad Zabihi A New Approach for Image Visual Saliency Detection M.S 1399/04/30
مهدي اميني Power System Controlled Islanding Ph.D 1399/06/05
سميرا مهرابي Design and Simulation of an Ultra-broadband Plasmonic Solar Absorber based on Grating M.S 1398/06/30
Design, Simulation and Fabrication of High-power Conical Spiral Antenna in 6-18 GHz M.S 1398/06/31