Faculty Members

Mohammad Taheri

Mohammad Taheri

Mohammad Taheri    (FA Page)

Assistant Professor
Contact Number: 98-917-02-1361+
Room: Eng. Building #2, CSE Dept., 3rd Floor, No. 38

Assistant Prof. of

Comp. Sci. & Eng. Dept.

School of Elec. & Comp. Eng.

Shiraz University (Enrtrance 2014)

Major Field: Artificial Intelligence

Other Fields: Secure Computing, Algorithms & Computation

Virtual Room : http://vroom.shirazu.ac.ir/motaheri

Ph.D. : Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Shiraz University 2008-2013

M.Sc.: Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Shiraz University 2005-2008

B.Sc.: Computer Engineering, Software, Shiraz University 2001-2005

Diploma: Mathematics & Physics, Shahid Mostafa Khomeini, Sirjan 1997-2001

Research Fields
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Machine Learning
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Optimization
  • Design of Algorithms
  • Computational Geometry
  • Cryptography
  • Information Hiding
  • Graph

Mohammad Taheri was born in 1983. He began and finished his education (2001-2013) all in department of Computer Sci. & Eng. of Shiraz university as one of the top 5% graduated students. Then he started as a faculty member of that department in 2014.

  • Undergrad.

  • Fundaments of Programming (Matlab)
  • Principles of Programming (C)
  • Advanced Programming with OOP (C++ & Java)
  • Design of Algorithms
  • Programming Challenges
  • Numerical Computation
  • Mathematics of Engineering
  • Data Storage and Retrieval
  • Linear Algebra

  • Post-grad. 

  • Mathematics of Cryptography

  • Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence

  • Pattern Recognition

  • Information Theory

  • Information Retrieval on Web





FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree download-thesis def-date
yasaman abasi Classification-Structured Clustering by SVM M.S
Mahdie Abazar A New Efficient Ensemble Framework for Steganalysis M.S 1399/06/31
Seyedehyalda Akbarzadeh A Large-Margin Approach for Prototype Weighting in Nearest Neighbor Classifier M.S 1397/07/10
Jafar Akhondali Stable Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks Under Malicious Cyber Attacks M.S 1401/06/30
Davood Alidousti The Role of Block chain Technology in Big Data Security M.S
Ehsan Amidi A novel method of setting the timetable of university examinations M.S 1397/06/31
Mohsen Bahramabadi A New Approach for Efficiency Improvement of Sparse Representation Classification M.S 1402/06/29
Amirreza Baryhaghighi A Weighted Distance Learning Method Applied On Security Applications Of Graph Classification M.S 1398/11/30
Amir Bitaraf Haghighi Person Re-Identification using Ensemble of Networks on Pose Transferred Images M.S 1399/11/30
ehsan ebrahimi hoseyn abadi An efficient SVM for single test Data M.S 1398/11/30
Sheida Eftekharalhosseini A study on Zigbee Standards and Its Application M.S 1395/03/26
Seyed Ali Emam The Graph edit distance based on boundary improvement and Hausdorff distance M.S 1398/11/30
zahra fatollahi Entire Regularization Path for Single-test Efficient Support Vector Machin M.S 1398/06/31
Marzieh Ghodrat A novel model for improving generalization in linear ensemble of recommender systems M.S 1396/04/21
Ali Hagh panah A local probabilistic classification method based on weighted PCA M.S 1397/06/20
Sareh Heidari An overview on Classic and modern approaches of Data mining in Marketing M.S 1396/05/25
amin houshangi Study on criteria and challenges of measuring Technology Readiness Level M.S 1400/06/17
Mahin Imani aghdam Data Mining in Internet of Things for Security Applications M.S 1398/11/26
Sina jalali motlagh Study of Artificial Intelligence Frameworks in Marketing M.S 1400/06/31
Hossein Karami Mohammadabadi Improving Clustering Models by Use of Classification Structure M.S 1397/06/31
Alireza KaramiMotlagh Large-margin Viewpoint Injection into Filtering Feature Extraction Methods M.S
Siamak Karimi pashaki Investigation on new meta-heuristic methods in timetabling university courses problem M.S 1398/06/30
Yahya Kazemi A Study on State-of-the-Art Methods of Word Sense Disambiguation in Machine Translation M.S 1398/11/16
Hossein Khajehdadi Smart Cities: Study on the Role of Block chain in Security and Privacy M.S 1398/06/30
Azar Khaleghi prediction of the level of customer's loyalty based on the chief's cultural intelligence and employees' job satisfaction in bank of saderat Iran M.S 1396/04/20
Fatemeh Khalifeh Efficiently generating and evaluating candidate networks for schema-based keyword search in relational databases Ph.D
Peyman Masjedi A Local Optimum Matrix Embedding in Steganography M.S 1399/06/31
saeed meftahi Imbalanced Data Classification by use of Weighted Support Vector Machine M.S 1402/12/16
Ebrahim Meskin : A study on Firefly , Flower pollination , Bat and Krill evolutionary algorithms M.S 1394/12/18
seyedeh fatemeh mousavi Optimizing Complete Cross-Validation for Prototype Weighting in Nearest Neighbor Classification M.S 1397/11/30
Mehdi Mousavi Examine the role of management in organizations and the introduction of matrix -based decision for optimal risk management M.S 1394/12/19
sobhan nami Improving the routing protocol in a fixed network for IoT based on data mining M.S 1402/06/19
reihaneh nikouei mahani A large-margin Defensive Approach against Gray-Box Adversarial Attacks M.S 1402/06/28
Zainab Rabieh A Study On New Tools In Health Information Technology M.S 1396/06/22
Peyman Rahmani Secure and Efficient Database Outsourcing Based on Secret Sharing Ph.D 1401/11/15
Elham Rasekh Application of Secret Sharing in Cloud Computing Security M.S 1397/11/28
faeze rasouli A Perfect Recovery for Fragile Watermarking by Hamming Code on Distributed Pixels M.S 1400/06/31
Mohammad Ehsan Safarnejad A novel large-margin term-weighting scheme M.S 1398/06/30
Hojjat Shahriari Programming format, a new cover in steganography M.S 1397/07/24
Mir mohammad reza Tavara Study and comparison of the most important frameworks of Enterprise Architecture M.S 1396/06/22
Mojtaba Valipour Self-Driving Cars Using Behavior Reflex Methods M.S 1397/06/31
Arman Yanpi Proposing a large margin approach for multi label classification M.S 1398/06/30
Sara Yazdani chaleshtari Refactoring during software development to improve its performance and extensibility M.S 1396/06/29
Mohammad Reza Zarei Large Margin Classification for Zero-Shot Learning M.S 1399/12/23
Akram Bahrami Study on the network layer in the architectures of Internet of Things and its challenges. M.S 1402/06/14
Mehrnaz Cheraghi Fragile watermarking with low embedding rate based on distributed coding M.S
Meisam Dadgar A Lightweight Authentication based on Blockchain in Internet of Things M.S
zahra fathollahi Improving Efficiency of Attention Components in Transformer Neural Networks by Approximating Complex Matrix Operators Ph.D
ali hagh panah jahromi Treatment Effect Estimation in Heterogeneous Causal Inference based on Meta-Learning Ph.D
Mohammad Hassan Zadeh M.S
Hosein HedayatiZade Efficient Calculation of Exhaustive Cross-Validation for Radius Nearest Neighbor Algorithm M.S 1402/06/29
Armin Khayati Prediction of Time-Series with Mixed-Frequency Feature Sampling M.S 1403/06/22
Alireza Lashkari Phishing detection using deep learning algorithms M.S 1402/11/15
shirin mohebbi An Ensemble Approach in Transductive Zero-Shot Learning M.S 1402/12/14
atieh mokhtari Ramp Progressive Secret Image Sharing using Ensemble of Simple Methods M.S
Amirahmad Nayyeri Proposing a Method for Realization of Community Formation in Complex Networks using Information Theoretic Measures Ph.D
zahra Nooraninejad FardArani Using MLOP in deploying IoT domain models considering the limitations of edge computing M.S
Amir Hossein Ohadi Fragile Watermarking with Low Embedding Rate based on Distributed Coding M.S 1402/06/29
fateme rezaei Prototype Weighting in K-Nearest Neighbor to Optimize Complete Cross-Validation M.S
majid reza serpoush Overcoming Packet-loss and Information Leakage by use of Efficient Secret Sharing in IoT networks M.S
Mohammad Shahriari Fard Overview, definitions, and architecture of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) M.S 1402/11/15
Ali Shahsavandi Optimizing Complete Cross-Validation for Weighted Distance Nearest Neighbor in Multi-label Classification M.S
farzaneh yeganehdoost . M.S
Seyed Hesam Zakerin Mousavi Prototype Selection in Neighborhood-based Algorithms by Efficiently Computing p-stability M.S
khadije zarepoor Exploring the relation of security issues and developer emails in 77 GitHub project M.S
Lida Abdi Transfer Learning Approach Based on Transferable Components Analysis Ph.D 1400/06/13
Elmira Adab Proposing an Algorithm for Fast Clustering by Ensemble of Clara and Birch Algorithms M.S 1396/04/20
setareh ahsaei Fault Resiliency Analysis of Compressed Deep Neural Networks M.S 1400/06/31
Seyedeh Fatemeh Alavi Flexible Positive Semi-Definite Kernel Learning for Supervised and Unsupervised Problems Ph.D 1401/06/15
Elham Amirizadeh Constrained Clustering using Deep Learning M.S 1397/06/21
hamidreza amirpour kalame Security, privacy and trust of Internet of Things (IoT) in urban management with Intelligent Transportation Approach M.S 1397/11/30
Neda Azouji Learning based on Large Margin Cellular Structure Ph.D 1400/11/15
Hamid Basei A new approach for analyzing emotions in textual documents M.S 1399/11/30
Seyed Mohammad Bidoki Multi-Document and Query Based Extractive Text Summarization in Biomedical Domain Ph.D 1399/06/31
Masoud Dadgar A computationally efficient trust-aware recommender system Ph.D 1400/11/15
shahla ebrahimi Machine Learning Model to Predict Financial Distress Using Accounting and Macroeconomic Information Ph.D 1398/06/30
amin emam zade esmaeli nezhad Graph compression based on transitivity for neighborhood query Ph.D 1400/06/31
Sina Famouri A Novel Clustering Approach Based on Prediction Markets M.S 1395/12/17
Mohammad Farbood Weighted K-nearest-neighbor regression for estimating customer value in direct marketing M.S 1398/11/27
فاطمه fatemeh Effective feature selection and weighting in design of an intrusion detection system M.S 1400/06/31
hossein gazni Compiling the source pattern of Enterprise Architecture plan for libraries and information centers M.S 1399/06/31
Ali Ghorbani Developing an intrusion detection system based on deep neural networks M.S 1399/06/31
Alireza Godazchian Analysis of the Role of Perceived Benefits, Identity and Social Influence on Real Use of the Instagram Social Network In Knowledge Based Companies, Information Technology Parsian Science and Technology Campus Tehran M.S 1399/06/19
Firoozeh Habibi Predicting the number of deaths of the Covid-19 disease in Iran M.S 1400/11/15
Maryam Haddadian Nejad Yoosefi Automatic Generation of Test Cases based on Multi-objective Optimization algorithms Ph.D
Hamed Hakimi Proposing a Method Based on Information Diffusion for Detecting Spammers in Social Networks M.S 1397/06/31
Shirin Hasanzadeh Design and optimization of review-based recommender systems Based on semantic modeling of users and items Ph.D 1400/04/28
Seyed Mehdi Hazrati Fard Employing sparse representation to classify complex data points Ph.D 1397/11/30
Haleh Homayouni New Approaches in Ensemble Learning based on Stacking Ph.D 1399/06/31
Elyas Izadi A novel intrusion detection method using metaheuristic algorithms M.S 1397/11/30
zahra javidian Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Deep Networks Ph.D 1401/11/15
shima kamyab A novel approach for 3D human face inverse rendering using deep learning Ph.D 1401/03/22
Reza Karimian Prioritize Vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems M.S 1398/06/26
Zeinab Keshavarzi Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Sparse Methods M.S 1397/06/20
Shima Khanehzar A Novel Method for Evaluating Claims and Trustworthiness of Web Information Sources M.S 1397/03/31
Javad Khashabi Zadeh A Generative Model for Reactive Planning and Acting with Short-Term Behavior Trees Synthesis M.S 1401/06/30
Mohamad reza Monfared Development of an intrusion detection system in industrial control systems based on deep learning M.S 1399/11/30
Amir MoradKhani Single-Channel Auditory Source Separation using Deep Clustering and Orthogonality Constraint M.S 1400/11/15
Seyede razieh Navardangiz Proposing a Product Recommender System based on fuzzy estimation approach M.S 1395/12/21
Atefeh Pouzesh Using classification complexity measures to improve the performance of instance selection algorithms M.S 1399/06/19
Niloofar Rastin Enhancing Multi-label Classification Systems Using Label Correlations Ph.D 1399/11/15
Mehdi RazeghiJahromi Improving Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Using meta-Heuristic Methods M.S 1398/11/16
abdoreza rezapour Improving machine translation using parse tree Ph.D 1396/06/12
Soheil Salehinia A Data Clustering Approach Based on Prediction Markets M.S 1397/11/29
Sara Sardari Designing Fuzzy Decision Trees for Multi-Label Classification Problems M.S 1398/06/23
sobhan siamak A New Method for Object Detection Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Capsule Networks M.S 1400/11/15
Hadi Tajabadi Improving the accuracy of intrusion detection systems through effective features selection and weighting M.S 1399/06/12
betsabeh tanoori Semi-supervised learning methods for identification of drug-target interaction Ph.D 1400/06/31
Elham Tarahhom Presenting a new clustering method for spike sorting M.S 1400/06/31
Morteza Zadkarami Developing a data-driven structure for smart process monitoring based on statistical perspectives and artificial intelligence Ph.D 1403/06/20
Nahid Zarei User Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics M.S 1401/06/29
Amir Hossein Adibinia Malware Detection Based on Deep Learning and Memory Forensics M.S
Elmira Aftabi Monitoring and supervisory control of the health of patients with sleep apnea with emphasis on their classification M.S 1402/06/24
Mohammadreza Alizadeh A trust- and load balancing-aware objective function for RPL-based Routing Protocol in Internet of Things M.S
Milad Barooni Time Series Forecasting Using Ensemble Learning Models With Attention Mechanism M.S
Hossein Hojati Learning a Single Descriptive Sketch for 3D Reconstruction by Generative Modeling of Variational Inference M.S 1402/06/19
Masoud Keshavarz Attack Detection in Cyber Physical Systems Based on Deep Anomaly Methods through One Class Classification Algorithms Ph.D
mohammad hossein khajoo Reduce unexpected correlation in data with biased selection M.S
zuhair laebe Predicting customer behavior in digital marketing with the help of optimized neural network M.S 1402/06/29
Farnush Manavi An Early-aware Model in Ransomware Detection Ph.D 1401/11/15
mohammad bagher mousavi shirazi Causality and Causal Discovery base on Machine Learning Methods Ph.D
mojtaba niknam Proposing a solution for data driven NIDS challenges M.S 1402/06/28
zahra niknia Designing a clustering model for organ transplant patients with the approach of artificial neural networks M.S
roshanak partoazar studying optimization algorithms from dynamical systems view point using koopman operator M.S
Mohsen Rahmanian Proposing Deep Methods for Multi-Modal Data Mapping Ph.D
Yasaman Rahmani A secure RPL routing protocol for mobility-enabled Internet of Things M.S
fatemeh rakee A Graph-based Sentiment Analysis Technique for Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems Ph.D
Afrooz Rashedi Ashrafi Drug Repurposing using Graph Neural Network M.S
raziyeh rouhani COPYCAT Attack Detection in RPL-based Internet of Things M.S
Ali Safari Cross-Site Scripting Prevention Using Machine Learning Regarding the JavaScript Esoteric Paradigm M.S 1402/03/27
Massar Sara Presenting Deep Spiking Neural Network Based on Bayesian Theory Ph.D
Arefeh Seif Controllable 3D-Aware Image Generation via Causal Generative Modeling M.S
Sina Shakouri Predicting the tendency of acid and oil emulsion formation using artificial intelligence M.S 1402/06/27
Sara Sholesadi Criminal limitation in artificial intelligence technology Ph.D
Firas Suwaed Data security by prediction of DDoS attack in intrusion detection system using machine learning methods M.S 1402/06/14
nasim yazdanjo Phishing attack detection based on machine learning approach M.S 1403/06/21
Reza Yazdan shenas A new radar target tracking model based-on transformer AI and Kalman filter M.S
Hamidreza Abedini New Approachs of Malware Detection in Internet of Things (IOT) With Machine Learning M.S 1399/06/26
Meysam Abri Designing a fast recommender system relying on users ranking in social networks M.S 1397/06/27
Mohammad Ahmadi Ganjei Presenting a Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Feature Selection method M.S 1398/06/30
Amirhossein Ansari Competitive Influence Maximization in Social Networks M.S 1398/06/30
Ahmadfard Arash Analysis of Physical Layer Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks Ph.D 1396/03/23
Bahare Askari Datamining in Cloud Computing M.S 1393/11/26
Ehsan Bagheri Presentation of a Suitable Energy Management System for EVs’ Charger Considering Different Sources and Charge Equalization M.S 1396/06/30
Sina Bahrami A New Approach for Identification of Critical Components in Power Distribution Systems M.S 1399/06/16
Reza Banaei Khalilan Recommender Systems For Offering Variety Of Services To Users On The Internet Of Things M.S 1398/11/30
Mostafa Barzegar E-Voting Based On Blockchain M.S 1397/06/31
Zahra Borna Comparative study on the software development methodologies, from traditional to agile methods M.S 1395/06/17
Sajad Daghigh Sentiments analysis in e-commerce websites M.S 1399/06/31
Mohammad bagher Dastgheib Using hybrid of Corpora and knowledge-based approaches for semantic language modeling and corpus construction in Persian language. Ph.D 1395/03/12
Mohammad reza Dehbozorgi Application of Data Mining Methods in Power Distribution System Outage Data M.S 1399/06/12
Sharareh Derakhshandeh Application of Software Defined Network for Security of Internet of Things M.S 1397/11/28
Ali Akbar Ebrahimi An introduction to green data centers M.S 1395/08/05
Mohsen Eshghan Malek Age progression using kin relationship M.S 1395/12/22
Sayed mohammad housein Fakhri developing map based e-commerce model (B2C) M.S 1398/11/30
Seyed Mahmoud Famouri 3D Reconstruction based on Shape-from-Template using Locally Refined Features and Geometrical Outlier Removal Ph.D 1396/10/14
Parisa Farhadi A Novel Approach to Identify Mobile Social Botnets M.S 1395/09/24
Mehrdad Farrokhmanesh Malware detection using signal processing techniques M.S 1395/12/14
Zahra Ghasemi Detection and signal design in separated MIMO radar by considering dependence of clutter and signal Ph.D 1400/06/31
Hadi Givi Fault Diagnosis and Aging Monitoring of Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters' Components Ph.D 1396/12/16
mahshid gohari Android malware detection using network traffic based on deep learning M.S 1400/06/31
Sadjad Haddadi Design of LDPC Encoder and Decoder for Optical Communication Systems Ph.D 1399/06/31
afshin haghighatnia Applications of Data Mining in Financial and Stock Markets M.S 1400/06/31
Seyyed aref Hakimzadeh Proposing an Online Classification Method with Limited Budget for Sequential Imbalanced Data M.S 1400/04/22
Mohammadamin Hamed proposing an effective optimization method to improve performance of urban traffic and transportation networks Ph.D 1399/11/30
fakhraddin hatefi Modifying Visual Cryptography using Chaotic Functions M.S 1399/06/31
Ali Heidari Soureshjani Methods of fraud detection in electronic banking M.S 1397/11/28
Mehdi Hortamani Synthesis of Cerium Oxide - Sodium Carbonate Composite Electrolyte and Study of Electrical Conductivity And Mechanical Strenght M.S 1395/06/31
Kamran Jadid Reduction of optical bistability threshold power in graphene containing micro-disk resonators M.S 1397/11/28
Farzaneh Jafari Overview of web content mining and techniques, algorithm and comparison of web based tools M.S 1395/03/26
Reza Jahankohan Malware Detection Using Semi-Supervised Learning M.S 1397/11/30
maryam jaldi Design and Improvement of the Functionality and Capabilities of Artificial Magnetic Conductor Surfaces using Graphene Ph.D 1400/06/01
hamideh jamal of sangi Mining in the Software Heritage Graph Dataset at Cross-Origin analysis M.S 1400/06/31
hamidreza javanmardi Reformulating Bilinear Matrix Inequality problems as convex problem and their application in controller design Ph.D 1399/12/26
Amin Javidan Efficient Clustering in Noisy Large Databases M.S 1396/06/29
abolfazl khajeh vostakola Review Watermarking Methods in Relational Databases M.S 1398/06/30
Fahime Khast Reliability on the Internet of Things M.S 1398/04/11
samaneh khataei The in?uence of website functionality on customer satisfaction in online shopping M.S 1399/04/24
Zeinab Khorshidpour Security Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers in Adversarial Environment Ph.D 1396/04/21
Aria Khoshsirat Uncertainty modeling in deep neural networks for image data M.S 1398/11/30
Farnush Manavi An efficient approach for unknown malwares detection based on Opcode analysis M.S 1396/06/29
Mehrnoosh Mashayekhizadeh Data Analysis with Deep Neural Networks on Satellite Station for Weather Forecasting M.S 1398/11/19
saeed mehrjoo Energy efficient data collection in wireless sensor network using compressive sensing Ph.D 1396/06/28
Bi bi sorayya Mirjalili Applying Business intelligence techniques to virtual reality M.S 1395/09/24
Mahdieh Mobasheri Investigating Models for Predicting Diabetes Mellitus Using Data Mining Algorithms M.S 1399/03/07
Mostafa Mohammadpourfard A Systematic Approach to Improve Cyber Security of Power Systems Ph.D 1397/06/14
Mohsen Mosalanejad Social Media Analytic to Social Business Intelligence M.S 1395/06/24
Ahmadreza Mosallanezhad Proposing a Method for Influence Maximization in a Competitive Social Network M.S 1397/03/31
Zahra Motie Malware Detection Using Generative Models Based on Deep Learning M.S 1399/02/31
Reza Nazari Developing an Intrusion Detection System based on Fuzzy Logic M.S 1398/06/12
mohammad hossin pafeshordeh Investigating the presence of hydrogen technologies and waste converter in integrated energy systems considering demand side management M.S 1400/06/31
Elnaz Pakdel sefidi Cost Estimation Of Software Project Development M.S 1395/06/17
Yazdan Parsapour Review the challenges of implementing data diode to secure information systems M.S 1397/11/28
Mehrdad Pournabi Power system transient security assessment based on deep learning in missing phasor measurement units conditions M.S 1399/06/14
Nazanin Rajabpour dehdashti Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using Deep Neural Networks M.S 1398/06/16
Mohammad Mahdi Raja Proposing an Efficient Computer Resources Admission Model Based on Pricing Ph.D 1397/10/25
Amir Hossein Rasekh Mining and Discovery of Hidden Relationships between Software Source Codes and Related Textual Documents Ph.D 1397/06/20
Sajad Rashedian Credit Card Fraud Detection Using autoencoders M.S 1397/06/31
Mohammad reza Rastegari Design and Simulation of a Hybrid Metal-Insulator-Metal Plasmonic Modulator Based on Indium Tin Oxide M.S 1398/06/24
Mohammad hossein Rastgoo jahromi security threat and challenges ahead NFC M.S 1396/05/21
Mohammad reza Rostami koupaee The challenges and opportunities of decision support systems and big data in cloud M.S 1395/09/24
Nasrin Safari Application and Challenges Of Near Field Communication in contactless payment M.S 1396/05/25
Hamzeloo Sam Decentralized Planning for Multi-Agent Systems in Uncertain Environments Ph.D 1397/11/28
seyede masoome shafiee A Hybrid Scheme for Spatio-Textual Recommender System M.S 1399/06/31
Homeira Shahparast Online learning of evolving fuzzy models Ph.D 1398/06/26
Mohammad Hossein Shakoor A Novel Method to Extract Features of Texture Images Ph.D 1395/03/26
Sara Sheikhi Providing an efficient way in intelligent filtering of unwanted text messages on mobile based on SMS content M.S 1396/06/29
Mohammad Hassan Shirzadeh A Survey On Security Challenges In Software Defined Networks M.S 1395/12/15
Mohammad Sohrabi Borna A Survey On Security Of document-oriented NOSQL databases M.S 1396/05/21
Kiana Soleimany Using Expert systems for diagnosis and treatment consultation of acid-base disturbances based on blood gas analysis data M.S 1395/11/16
Mahmood Sotoodeh Dehsarvi Developing Color-based Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Image Texture Analysis Ph.D 1398/06/12
Namatallah Taheri The Application of IoT in Smart Home Secutiry M.S 1399/06/31
Shahab Tavana Design and Simulation of Terahertz Absorber and Polarizer Based on One Dimensional Anisotropic Graphene Photonic Crystal M.S 1398/06/31
nazanin torabi Face detection to address the occlusion issue in face verification M.S 1397/06/31
morteza verdi An Empirical Study of C++ Vulnerabilities in Crowd-Sourced Code Examples M.S 1398/09/24
Hajar Yousefi Local Anomaly Detection In Crowded Scenes In Video Sequences M.S 1396/10/13
Ahmadali Zahiri IOT security: Review, blockchain solutions, and open challenges M.S 1398/11/30
Mehdi Zareei An investigation into the proposed methods in clustering-based recomender systems M.S 1398/11/30
اذر ازادي بوياغچي A Survey on Management and Replication of Data in the Internet of Things M.S 1399/06/31
عزيز صداقت Provide a native solution to maintain privacy and integrity in the Electronic Health Record(EHR) using blockchain technology M.S 1398/06/27
Graph Embedding using Edge Reconstruction for Link Prediction M.S 1400/06/31
Investigating-Critical-Success-Factors-in-Implementing-ITIL M.S 1395/09/24
Showing 8 results.
of 1
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